Part 154
Music: Play Track 1She speaks with her usual smile.
"Ah...... Kohaku, san."
I somehow manage to speak through my tattered breathing.
"Ah, you do not have to speak. I probably understand your condition better than you do."
She removes the towel from my forehead, still smiling.

"Akiha-sama told me everything. She said that she would wait until tomorrow, but that may be too long.
Akiha-sama seems to have lost her ability to think clearly.
I don't think you'll be able to make it through the night like that, Shiki-san."
*wheeze* *wheeze*
Kohaku-san's words are unmercifully true.
"Shiki-san, you told me before. You said that you were numb to death.
Is that still true? Are you still going to act against Akiha-sama hopelessly with a body like that?"
...... I'm surprised.
Kohaku-san's voice, it's completely different than before.
"...... No way. I told you that I am more attuned to death than most people...... So I think I understand the situation I'm in.
Without you telling me---I knew that surviving the night will be extremely difficult."
"Then you are not scared of death? If you accept Akiha-sama then you will recover quickly, but you still do not. There's something wrong with you."

"...... Maybe. But, I think it's okay. I like the me that acts like this, and I like Akiha for liking me as I am.
...... Yes, and, well... I enjoy small things like just being able to talk with you, Kohaku-san.
...... But I feel like if I lie to myself, all those small things would lose their enjoyment, and I'm scared of that----"

I cough violently.
...... Probably because I am forcing myself to talk to Kohaku-san,
my body doesn't even allow me to do that properly.
I don't know what you're thinking, but isn't it better just to return her feelings?"
---Such a thing.
If I could do that, I would've already done it.
"---No. I do love Akiha, but only as my sister and nothing more.

...... The one I like isn't Akiha, Kohaku-san.
I don't, want to lie to the one, I love the most."
I force the words through my ragged breathing.
The second hand of the clock ticks in the short silence.
And I just look at Kohaku-san.
She looks away without donning her smile again.
"...... That is, pointless. Don't you pity Akiha-sama?"
"Pity, Akiha......?"
"...... Yes. Every night she walks the streets and drinks someone's blood.
Akiha-sama is unable to make those from whom she sucks blood like herself in the manner SHIKI-sama was, but she has the ability to steal from others."

...... I can't answer that.
In the first place, I'm dying because of Akiha.
But I've only lived until now because of her efforts.
I----have a debt to her that is too large for me to ever repay.
"----I see. Akiha will go out and drink blood tonight again."
I raise myself up.
The pain runs through me like an electric shock.
I manage to stand up while resisting the volume of pain.
"Wha...... Shiki-san, what are--"
"...... No. I can't let Tohno Akiha drink any more blood."
I laboriously take a single step.
Even though I may collapse at any moment, I continue forward.
I can at least...... make it to Akiha's room.
"Please wait."
Standing in my way,
Kohaku-san appears before me.
"You say you'll stop Akiha-sama. Is that the blood of Nanaya speaking?"

"...... That has nothing to do with it. I just want Akiha to be Akiha. That is, what I, as Tohno Shiki, really feel."
Kohaku-san doesn't say anything.
I push my way through to the desk.
Inside is what I brought from the Arimas, only a few things.
I take my knife out of the drawer.
...... And I see that which I haven't yet returned.
Music: Play Track 7
Gripping the final remnants, I walk.
Kohaku-san just stands there.
"...... This might be the end, so here."
I hold out the white ribbon in my hand.
"It's a little late, but I'm giving it back. Sorry. You went through such trouble to give it to me, and I never even used it."
...... I don't know if my feelings were able to come out through my words. And as gentle as I can,
I place the ribbon of promise into her hand.
The sound of gasping.
She stands stock still like a doll, just staring in amazement at the ribbon in her hand.
"......... You knew, Shiki-san?"
"...... Not right away. It was only just recently. ...... I really should have realized it as soon as I came back."
Yeah. I should've realized it after I returned to the mansion and Kohaku-san said "Welcome back."
Even still, she smiled when I asked if she was one of the children who was here back then.
"...... I, don't have the right, but thanks. I really was happy that you waited here for me."
...... For eight years.
Those were the words I always wanted to say as Tohno Shiki.

...... You've been locked in this mansion for ten years. You can be free, and---you don't have, to force yourself, to smile---"
"Shiki-san, everything, you..."
Her lips mouth the word "knew".
I didn't want her to say those words, so I close her mouth with my own.
---It was really just an instant.
Just a touch, a fleeting kiss, but unforgettable.
Music: Stop
As I move to open the door, her voice rings out to me.
".................. No, Shiki-san. You can't stop Akiha-sama like that."
"...... Eh?"
I turn around---
"Shiki-san---you have to stop Akiha-sama."
Kohaku-san stands there, not with a smile, but with a truly sad face.
I nod.
Kohaku-san shuffles over to me and holds my hand.
...... How long were we like this?
Kohaku-san doesn't say anything. After holding my hand like a child, she smiles once more and places my hand against her chest.
Music: Play Track 8

"S-sex, but that......!"
It's too sudden, my voice comes out weird.
"Yes. You may not know this, but we are called Synchronizers.
Simply speaking, we can project ourselves into someone else and increase their powers.
But it only works if...... the person is of the opposite gender. Akiha-sama is a woman so we could not Synchronize. That's why she had to drink my blood to form a fake bond."
Thump. My body heat rises.
It isn't the wildness of my heart earlier...... it is the true feelings of Tohno Shiki coming to light.

...... I really can't ask for anything more.
If I won't be a burden to Akiha, she won't have to drink any more blood.
And really, I want Kohaku-san too.
I still feel there's something wrong about this.
"Shiki-san, were you lying when you said you liked me?"
Kohaku-san saying that with a smile---I start to lose control.
"---It wasn't a lie. I... always wanted you----"
"Then please let me give you strength. If you don't, you'll die and be unable to stop Akiha-sama."
Saying that,
she embraces my hand tighter onto her chest.
Tender, yet firmly elastic. Feeling the breasts of a young woman causes my head to spin.
...... I understand.
Kohaku-san is just continuing her act. I understand that she's just using me.
But still---that's something important to me.
"............... Is this alright? Are you really okay with this, Kohaku-san?"
"Yes. Because I love you too, Shiki-san."
---I know that smile is fake.
But... I believe the words.
I want to believe in those words.

I don't know how long it's been.
Her tender lips.
I push my mouth against hers as if stealing her breath and hold her tightly against me.
My capacity for logic has gone out the window.
My mind is completely empty, without any serious thinking to fill it.

All I can think about is making this moment last forever.
But my body is at its limit.
My legs sway beneath me.
The arms embracing Kohaku-san fall to my sides, and I lean completely against her.
"...... Goodness, now look what happened, Shiki-san. That's what happens when you push yourself."
My body is about to fall onto the floor.
"Please lie on the bed. I'll make you feel a lot better soon."
Music: Play Track 5

"...... Please relax. Just stay like that and I'll do all the work."
She puts her knees on the floor.
From my vision. Kohaku. Disappears.
"...... Kohaku... san......?"
The only response is the sound of something clattering from my hips.
My breath stops as I realize it's the sound of my belt being removed.
The sound and feel of my zipper being lowered.
"H, hey---Kohaku... san......!"
No answer.
Instead, Kohaku-san just carefully pulls back my underwear and bares my Big Buford.

My body feels warm all over.
Not from excitement, but from embarrassment as Kohaku-san stares at my Ricicles.
...... Certainly I couldn't hide myself if I wanted to do this, but still---this wasn't what I expected... I only thought about the actual sex.

"Kohaku-san, that---"
"...... Yes. We have to start here if you want to get better."
Her breath touches my skin.
...... My Tiny Teddy rises in response.
I hear her gasp.
She gingerly sets my swelled Snickerdoodle free from my pants with her little finger.
"------Kohaku... san-----"
Just a light touch.
It was only her little finger, but the sensation races through my entire Good King Henry.
"Hm...... now now, Shiki-san. ...... Don't fight it. Just relax."
She chides me as she begins to wrap her hand around my Count Chocula.
Her fingers slowly begin to squeeze.
Their coldness shoots right through me.
"Ha----ah, ah-----"
My blood starts to gather up.
The embarrassment crumbles away as a gasp escapes my throat.
"Yes...... you can moan more."
As if cooling something off, Kohaku-san blows air over my Zagnuts.
With that, I become completely erect.
The gathering heat at the base of my Monkey Wrench causes me to speak without thinking.
That heat.
"...... Haha...... You've finally warmed up, I see."
She happily brings a finger down to check.
Her fingers start to move.
Those four fingers start to caress my Chubby Hubby gently up and down.
Her delicate kneading causes me to harden even more.
The swelling increases as if to escape the caress of her fingers.
Not letting anything escape, her four fingers are joined by her tightly gripping thumb.
"...... Ah...... you're really turned on, Shiki-san."
Kohaku says half-amazed, half-dreamily.
I look at the slit on the tip of my Oh Henry! and see it already dripping.
My face turns red.
I turn away, embarrassed, but Kohaku's flushed face moves forward and sniffs the oozing fluid.

"...... Hm...... things will start to feel even better."
My dry Parmesan Breadstick starts to overflow.
Her cute fingers now covered in that licentious fluid, Kohaku starts to stroke me earnestly.
...... Sliding, sliding, slide slide sliding.
"Ha---ah, -----!"
I can't hold back my gasps.
Even though it is simply rising and falling, her strangely flexible fingers ensure the sensations are not that simple.
Her vivacious fingertips seem to be sucking my very skin.
"Hehe...... Shiki-san, you're amazing. You're still growing."
"No......... That... you are... Kohaku---"
...... That's right. Her fingers are stranger.
She's the one who... is shaping me... as if... I was clay---
"Sto...... Kohaku... san---you don't... have to... do that---"
...... I don't... even care about anything else right now... it feels that good... but...... this isn't exactly what I wanted.
I thought I would be holding her. This is... a little different---
"It's... enough---so you... can stop now---"
Holding back my passion racked gasps, I barely manage to say that.
But she... her fingers... do not... stop.
Her tongue, so red it looks like it's painted with fire, takes a lick.
Her breath swirls around me.
The wild exhalations seem to burn with the same fire as I do.
"Mm...... more, you need to be more excited----"
Her tongue swirls around my All Beef Foot Long Hot Dog.
...... It seems almost poisonous.
Even though it's so cute, its glossy, serpentine surface lengthens.
Red tongue. It just creeps around my Wacky Wafer like swirling blood.
With just that,
it feels so good... I may even... pass out.
"Aahh---isn't... that... enough?"
I don't even know what I'm saying now.
She pushes down into the opening of my dripping ¼lb Champ with the back of her tongue.
"Eh---ah, ah----!?"
The back of her tongue feels completely different.
She continues to caress me with her fingers while pushing down with her tongue.
Not just up and down, but side to side, sliding, pushing, pulling----
"Ha, ah---stop... Kohaku... I'm coming----!"
My Coconuts tighten.
The heat rises from the base of my Big Buford, and I can't hold it back anymore.

Kohaku's fingers stop it completely.
Her little finger, only holding me up until now, becomes an iron vice which stops the advance of my Sticky Toffee Pudding.
"Ko... haku------what... are---"
"Hm...... not yet...... you have to wait...... this is your very last bit... so please... release... inside of me."
...... Her fingers separate.
As if begrudging me every drop, she kisses my convulsing Krackel.

She lightly places her hands on my body.
I fall back.
Kohaku quietly places herself over me.
Kohaku tries to hold back a cry but her breathing becomes labored.
Are her eyes closed because she's trying to hold back pain?
Exalting in the contact, Kohaku starts to bring me inside of her Baja Fish Taco.

Everything is still dark.
I---I don't know what just happened.
I look, but I can't see anything.
All I know for sure is that I can feel Kohaku.
Warm. No, hot.
Her insides are tight and continually pull me further in.
To be honest, I feel that I have to congratulate myself for not releasing already.
This is completely different than her tongue and fingers.
Something feels strange.
Is it my Pecan and Cream Passion? Is it her wetness?
The feeling of immersion and a tickling sensation coming from what feels like a multitude of soft folds.
"...... Mm...... Shiki-san, you're so...... hard... please---"
Her hips gradually lower.
Her wetness flows all over my Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries.
I still can't see clearly.
...... What's going on?
She's lowering her body, but it feels like it's rising.
Exalting in the sensation of our rubbing skin... I want to hold Kohaku... whose face is clouded as if resisting something... closer to me.
---So how come?
My body is drowning in pleasure, but my mind seems to have stopped.
...... I don't get it.
Don't I want her?
This feels so good, so why---
"---N----too much----"
Her hips stop.
I feel something hard inside of her tightening body with the tip of my Trident.
...... I can feel her tightening all the way to my very Grape-Nuts.
I am almost completely inside of her.
Her hands push down on my chest as if stopping herself from going any further.
She breathes hard, as if she was in pain.
She doesn't lift her hips, as if she merely wants to wrap herself around me.
...... I realize even her anguished face is just too beautiful.
I really do love Kohaku.

She leans her body against my chest.
Kohaku's face is full of ecstasy.
Seeing that face, I lose myself completely.
I feel her Breasts through her kimono.

Her delicate, slender body contrasts with her licentiously spread legs and I almost pass out.
"Ahaha...... If I do this, I can be really close to your face."
Kohaku looks up at me from my chest.
"--------Kohaku... san."
"...... Yes, you don't have to hold back any longer.
Please, like this...... give me as much Rapeseed as you want."

...... But.
This feels so good, but I can't even hold her.
...... I understand my uneasiness from before.
Because I love her so much---I can't just do anything as clinical as just "exchanging bodily fluids."
"No Kohaku-san. I can't---"
"...... Hm...... well then, I'll just have to move then."
Not stopping to hear my response, she starts to move her hips.
"Hey------, ah, ahh------!"
My entire body shivers.
With me still inside of her, she rocks her hip in a circle.
Impaled as she is, she can't move around too much.

It feels like hundreds of Rice Krispies are licking all around me, and that number multiplies as the sensation of her moving overwhelms me.
"Ah----Ko... Koha... ku------!"
I close my mouth and resist as hard as I can, but that Big Fat Taco keeps strangling me with pleasure.
"Ha----ah, ah..................!!"
I want to die. No, if I die here, I won't even care because it feels that good.
My Mr. Goodbar feels like it's in a dimension of pure pleasure.
The nucleus of pleasure rotates inside of Kohaku's body.
"-----,--,,------, ...............!"

I can only breathe.
"Mm...... Shiki-san, please, ...... use your... hips---"
Engulfed in pleasure, Kohaku-san asks for the impossible.
The heightening waves of sensation crash through my head---
"Ah---yes, there---Shiki-san, any time you want----"
Her hair flutters freely.
As she asks, I raise my hips.
Kohaku speaks with a bewitching voice.
That goes... without saying------
"...... Mm...... then I guess that's a yes......"
Her hips stop.
...... I'm saved.
With this I won't have to---
"-----, ...............!"
With all the force of before, she tightens again.
"Ha------ah, gah............!"
My hips rise.
Kohaku looks down at my face.
"---Aha, come inside me!"
Her voice rises like that of an innocent child.

That which I held back for so, so long rushes forth.
More than I thought possible for one spurt.
And... Ooey Gooey Cake is released inside of her.

She sounds extremely happy.

...... Certainly, my body is completely different than before.
Even though I'm breathing hard from exertion, for the first time in days I can move as freely as I want to.
But, I'm not happy at all.
"Please rest until I return with some new clothes.
My powers will not work completely right away, so please just relax."
Kohaku goes to leave the room.
I can't resist seeing her smile like that.

I look down and grit my teeth.
Her warmth flows through my hand.
If I let her go, maybe it will never have been real.
Even I know that I'm betting my life by trying to stop Akiha.
...... I only have now.
I can only love her for real right now.
So I don't want something like that.
Kohaku looks distraught.
"No, that's already done. My body has recovered. ...... It isn't my body that hasn't had enough, it's my heart."
"Huh......? Your heart?"
Kohaku's expression grows confused.

"...... Isn't it obvious? What we did couldn't be called making love. I didn't want to do it like that."
"...... I don't get it. I think that was the best method for exchanging bodily fluids.
And you have recovered, right?"

"I said, that's not it......!
When you said what we had to do, I was incredibly happy. ...... I was so happy that I even forgot all about Akiha.
I---like you so much that I couldn't care about anything else. I don't care about Synchronizing or anything like that. I just want to hold you."

Her previously dry hand suddenly becomes wet.
As close as I am, I can hear her heart pounding.
...... I finally realize something.
Until now, she's never slept with anyone out of love.
Tohno Makihisa looked at her only as a tool.
Kohaku simply accepted that role, too.
I can't believe it.
She was forced to do this almost every day, but she really---she really didn't know the real meaning behind two people sleeping together.
"I don't think so. That's not true at all. Even if it was, I would still think you're beautiful."
I pull her closer.
I press her up to my chest.
After enjoying that moment, I move around behind her and begin to nuzzle the base of her neck.
"Ah------Shiki... san-------"
...... There's no stopping now.
Holding her trembling body, I began to tease her neck with my tongue.
After drawing a smooth glassy line, I kiss her gently.
A faint sigh.
Her face still painted red, she silently accepts everything I do.
"...... What's this? Your skin, it's so clean...... so beautiful."
I continue licking her fine porcelain skin.
Her eyes remained closed as she shudders slightly.
...... Maybe it really is her first time having someone treat her like this.
Her reactions are nothing like the seductive voluptuousness earlier. For some reason---I feel this strong urge to tease her.

"Mm---you're sensitive here......?"
I whisper to her from behind.
With her mouth closed, she just shakes her head back and forth.
She answers one way, but her body responds another.
"...... Oh really? Then it's okay if I do this."
I press my lips tightly against her neck.
I let my tongue firmly play all along her neck.
"......... Ah......... Shiki...... sa......... n......... Jamaican Me Crazy"

Her lips shake.
While still tasting her skin, I place my hands on her shoulders and begin to slide her kimono off.
As expected, she silently offers no resistance.
Swish. Her kimono clears her shoulders.
"..............., ............"
Her lips tighten.
...... She's probably embarrassed.
She still offers no resistance as she trembles.
Not in satisfaction---but in anticipation.
"...... Kohaku. You want this, right?"
"............... Ye............... yes............"
She speaks softly, as if she doesn't want to be heard.
Her kimono drapes to the side.
Her voice rises.
I instantly wrap my fingers around her exposed Boo Berries, giving them a light squeeze.
...... Hot.
My fingers sink into her tender flesh.
Just touching them sets my brain afire.
"...... Mm...... Shiki-sa... n...... What... are you... doing?"
That's an odd question.
"What am I doing?---I'm making love to you."
I grip harder.
Her tender Mounds shiver in response as I knead them.

"...... Ooh, ah........."
She suddenly throws her head back and arches her back.
The fun has just started, and her Tart 'n' Tinys have already become as hard as bullets.
"...... I don't...... believe it...... Shiki-san, I---"
Lips shaking, she desperately holds her voice back.
My teasing fingertips sense the rising heat of her body.
I can hear her panting.
Her breathing--it's the same as when she was riding on top of me.
"......? Kohaku, your Timbits are sensitive too......?"
"Eh...... no, that's----not it."
Her words trail off as she gasps for breath.
"Haa......... ah, this is strange...... I---"
"Yeah. You sound so... horny."

Kohaku's blush deepens.
Reveling in her reactions, I lick her neck once more.
Her body jolts.
My fingers move harder.
Sensing her enjoyment, they twist even harder, and I use my nails this time.
"...... Mm, haa......... oh...... ah---"
Kohaku exhales forcefully.
This time it seems like it is almost painful.

"...... Kohaku-san, is this......"
I didn't really think it, but---
"Is this the first time you've felt this good......?"
She stops breathing for an instant.
Still looking down in embarrassment, she gives a slight nod.
"...... I'm sorry. I... feel strange. I know I should be servicing you, but---just your touch, makes my head spin----"
She breathes out again.
As if trying to force out all the heat in her body, she takes another breath.
"This is strange, isn't it---I've never... felt... this way... before. ...... Nothing is happening and... my body... is still so hot---Shiki... san... what did... you do... to me?"
Her voice hesitates and falters.
I realize that she isn't even standing on her own.
She leans against me and I feel that if I let go, she will collapse.
Her arms and legs hang loosely to the sides.
"...... Be honest, does this feel good Kohaku-san?"
She nods, ashamed.
"...... I see. Then, it'll get even better. Kohaku-san, let's get rid of the rest of your clothes.
"Ah............... n, no............"
I pretend not to hear her soft denial.
Untying her obi while holding her---I quickly get rid of what's in the way of my body and hers.
...... What she says is only natural.
But being naked now would expose that which has been yearning for quite some time.
"Soon. Here, come to the bed."
Walking to the bed, I lay down on my back.
I undo my zipper and my swollen Burrito Ultimo immediately springs out.
I hear her sudden gasp.
She's probably surprised to see it erect so quickly.
"Hey, Kohaku. I need to pay you back, so come here."
I invite her over, still pointing at her without my finger.

".................. Yes."
She gets on the bed while breathing rapidly.
It's just like before.
She goes to ride on top of me, face-to-face.
"Ah, not like that. Put your Fudge Swirl here, Kohaku."

"Eh---Shiki-san, what are you doing.........!?"
Kohaku tries to escape but my arms are much faster.
I grab onto her hips and jerk them towards my face.
"Shi... Shiki-san, what are.....................!"
"I told you, I'm paying you back. It's your turn to feel pleasure."
"Eh......... a, mm---------"
Grabbing her tender Country Biscuits, I lower her hips.
Before my eyes,
in place of the ceiling, Kohaku's Cherry Garcia looms over me.
"......... Mm."
I lift my face between her legs.
...... Just seeing her from this angle makes my heart feel like it will explode.
Her delicious, white thighs.
And between them, her swollen Crispy Strips.
I feel like sweet honey would pour from these passionate Onion Petals if coaxed by my tongue.
The sensuous curves of her Dublin Mudslide add another dimension of captivation in addition to her bewitching thighs.
"Ah............... Shiki... san-----"
Kohaku's voice quivers.
She must be embarrassed at having herself so open to me.
Drip. A drop of her juice splashes onto my forehead.

"...... Mm...... Kohaku, you're really getting into this."
I enter only the slightest bit, as if only to taste her dewing liquids.
"Huah------oh, nnaah.....................!"
Her hips jerk upwards.
Pushing down to prevent her escape, this time I caress the outside surface.
My tongue rolls up and down.
Lapping up her flowing juices.
"...... Ah...... Haa, mm............"
Her breathing becomes even more wild.
It harmonizes with the sound of me licking her Cherries Jubilee.
Her breathing reaches its crescendo.

...... I lose myself completely as I give her pleasure.
All of a sudden, a shock runs up my spine.
"------Ko... haku."
My tongue that was diligently massaging Kohaku stops.
"...... Ah......... m, Ha......... Ah."
...... Her breath swirls around my Cranberry White Chocolate Duo.
A new sound of moist flesh.
Now it isn't just me expressing my love physically.
"Ha...... Shiki-san---so warm."
Kohaku begins to hungrily lick at the tip of my Ragin Cajun.
My back arches as the sensation courses through me.
For a moment, I stop licking her and revel in the ecstasy her tongue gives me.
"N...... mm, ah............... oh."
With sweet, short gasps, she slowly plays her tongue along my skin.
She licks only at my Dinky Donuts.
Hesitatingly, haltingly, slowly.
"Ko... haku----it feels... so good."
I resume.
My breathing increases in depth as her wetness rains down on me.
"Mm............! ...... Haa...... ah, ha...... Shiki-san, M...... more......"
Faintly whispering, she grabs me with both hands.
She gently pulls my slippery King Vitamin.
She starts to caress me with her tongue once more.

I drink every last drop of that sensuous nectar.
...... There's a reason for this.
Kohaku, who is caressing me.
Kohaku, who is filling me with pleasure.
I don't want to miss a single drop of anything coming from her.
That's why I gather it all... with my tongue... with my hand.

The sound of meeting flesh echoes through the room.
Not just the rubbing of our Nut 'n Honey, but our whole bodies melting together.
Her Whoppers glide across my stomach.
Her arms touching my sides, her legs resting by my head and shoulders.
Sliding, sliding, sliding.
Rubbing. Sweat, her wetness, my Nutter Butter, our bodies.
Kohaku gasps continually---her wildness spreads to me.
"-----I can't, take this."
Feeling my limit near, I look down.
Kohaku traces her fingers along my Big Mac and licks them clean with her red tongue.
---I wish this could go on forever, but I know it can't last.
The swelling in my French Boules becomes a burning cyclone.
"----Kohaku, lie down."
I tell her gently.
"...... Eh...... lie down......?"
She doesn't seem to understand but moves to do as I said.
She lies down flat on her back.
Propping myself above her in perfect symmetry, I admire the view before me.

I speak the first thing that pops in my head.
Still blushing, she nods in response.

"...... This is, strange. I've done this, so many times...... but I never had this incredible tightness in my chest."
Of course.
The one she slept with never had any feelings for her at all.
"...... I see. Is it... bad?"
".................. No. I am...... so happy. It---it makes me scared."
Her voice is full of hesitation.
This isn't the perpetually smiling Kohaku.
I think this is her true self. I don't want to steal this lovely moment.
"But, I'm just as embarrassed. ...... Just having you look at me like this, my body---it's never been this hot before."
"...... You shouldn't be. I just love looking at you. ...... But it can't be helped. I just love you so much. I want you to feel good too."
"........................ Stop. Shiki-san, you can say those things so easily. But I'm so embarrassed---I don't even know how to smile at a time like this."
Still blushing, she looks directly at me.
----Thump, Thump. My blood starts to race.
There is no more need for words.
I lower my body.
She shyly positions herself to accept my Gummy Worm with her arms still crossed.
I spread her legs apart and lower my hips.
I didn't even touch her yet and her face tightens in pain.
...... She really doesn't know how to respond. Her pained expression is a mix of uneasiness and longing.
"...... Kohaku, here I come."
She nods silently.
I hold myself right in front of her.
...... Between her legs.
Both of her thighs quiver uncontrollably as liquid anticipation flows freely from her lovely well.
My saliva has mixed with her wetness.

I begin moving.
Kohaku's body rises and falls.
...... Is she nervous?
She's much tighter than before. I can only enter Enchirito-deep, unable to go further.
"...... Kohaku, are you okay......?"
"...... Ye...... ye... s...... I want you, Shiki... san---"
Her hands strongly gripping the bed sheets, she looks up at me with moist eyes.
I start moving again.
I thrust my hips violently as if to break her tightness.
"......! Ah, ha-----oh-----!"
She raises her head.
Thump. My pulse runs through my body at full-speed.
...... Kohaku's tightened Pita Pocket transforms into numerous, squeezing folds.
This sensation is almost torture.
There's something wrong with the way she feels.
The sharp, burning pleasure seems to come not from my This is Nuts, but from behind and rockets up my spine.
"Tss...... ah, ha, ah------!"
Resisting it, I move my hips.
...... No matter what, I'm going to penetrate to her center.
I begin to thrust in and out of her, not yet reaching her center.

Thrust, squeeze, thrust, squeeze.
The sounds of our fluids and flesh mingle into a glorious cacophony.
"----......... Ko... haku--------!"
"Y, yes---Shiki-san, I----oh, ah, ahh.........!"
Her back starts to arch.
At the same time, the pressure increases.
The pleasure causes me to grit my teeth in desperation.
She hasn't climaxed yet, so no matter what, I can't end it now.
...... But, really, why does it feel this good?
Inside of her is a world of contradiction.
She's flowing so much, but she's gripping my Big Juan like iron.
Her undulations and spiraling rotations cause waves of pleasure to crash into me.
Every coiling of her tender Tuna Wrap feels completely different.
"Ah---gg, ah...............!"
Despite this, I force myself to continue without giving in to the sensations assailing me.
"N, ngh, ah-----!"
...... Her sweet voice.
But, she isn't... the only one... resisting something.
In other words, I am...
This sensation. Kohaku's warm envelopment----
"-----Ha-----ah, ............!"
Not buckling under the weight of the feeling welling up within me, I resume moving my hips.
"M, ah, mm............!"
Slide. Slide. Slide.
I go crazy. I move in to receive the ecstasy; I move out to escape the euphoria.
"Ha............, ah, n............!"
An endless dance.
Our fluids coat each other's bodies.
"Haa, ah......! Deeper---deeper...............!!!"

Until I reach her center.

I can't stop until I touch every bit of her---!
I savagely pierce her, as if I can't hold anything back.
"Hwa----ah, Shiki... sannnnnnn!"
Her voice gradually becomes drowned completely in passion.
...... Her spread legs wrap fiercely around my back and push my Ridged Gourd deeper in.

"No---stop, I'll-----I'm...... ha, ahhh.........!!!!"
She doesn't seem to have much energy left.
I clasp her hands and desperately resist the nearing finish----

"Ha---ha----ah, ha----!"
A jolt runs through me.
It strikes deep into my very brain.
"Ha---n, ah, ha-----!?"
But---finally, I penetrate to her full depths.

Her figure now writhes in ecstasy.
The cycle continues.
Having won my prize, I thrust to her very core, over and over and over.

"A----oh---Shiki... sa... n----!"
I sink. Kohaku rises up to meet me.
"Ha----Kohaku, I'm gonna come---!"
I grit my teeth.
"Yes---! Come-come inside me, Shiki----!"

"Ha---ah...... Ah-------"
Kohaku's lips open and close, open and close.
She falls completely drained to the bed.
Music: Stop

I catch my breath next to her.
...... My consciousness gets hazy.
Kohaku's profile moves in rhythm with her breathing.
And with just that---I feel relaxed.
I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling blankly...... I can't let myself fall asleep now as it'll be a waste.
I want to keep feeling her soft breath, and I resist the urge to sleep----